Create a free TopDog Sports account

  • The form below will allow you to create an account in USTA Northern California.
    Once you have an account and login you can signup for leagues and events in our online system.
  • Make sure you enter all required fields *
  • After submitting this form an email will be sent to you confirming your account.
  • Note* If you do not have a home club, you can enter your league or organization for your home club.
* Make sure you fill in all required fields.
Account Information:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Middle Initial:
Gender: * Male Female
If you are sharing an email address with a family member, make sure your password is different than theirs.
Birth Date (mm/dd/ccyy): *
Zip Code:*

Phones (at least one phone number)
Home Phone:*
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:*
Cell Company: We use this for text messaging

Need rating help? Click HERE
Rating Sport: This is the sport of your rating.
Home Club: Where you mostly play. Can't find your club? click here to submit new club or home court.
USTA Number:
T Shirt Size:

Confirm Password:*

Allow other logged in users to view my Gender:
Allow other logged in users to view my Phone Number:
Allow logged in users to send Email:
Receive E-mails
  • Allow auto generated, confirmation reminders and match reminder emails.
  • Do not allow auto generated, confirmation reminders and match reminder emails.
Club Membership

Have a software question?

League questions should be directed to your league.

510-748-7341 |